Videos tagged with: wordpress

Reference fields
In this episode I answer a viewers question about referencing fields from different custom type.

WordPress Deployment
In this video I'm going to show you the right way to deploy WordPress web sites from your local machine to production or staging server.

Development Setup and Tools
In the part two of this series I'ma talking about my development setup and software technologies I'm using.

Local Setup
Looking into options for setting up local environment for WordPress development.

Repeater Fields
In this episode we are going to learn how to make repeater fields with WP-Types, by doing simple real estate site.

Comparing Dates and Making Events List
In this short video we are going to make event list which is going to show future events but is going to hide past events.

Using Custom Field Value
In this tutorial you will learn how to take value of custom field and display some content depending on users input for that field.

Single Pages, Archives, Linking It Together
In this tutorial we will be linking custom post type to its single page and also learn how to make list (archive) of our custom post type.