Videos tagged with: wordpress

Previous / Next Post
In this episode we are going to use Vue.js and WP REST API to show previous and next post in our preview box.

Getting Post Preview
Now we are going to start creating previews of our posts using WordPress REST API and Vue.js.

Making Filters Pretty
In this tutorial we are going to take a few minutes to make our filters look decent using Vue.js, HTML and CSS.

Filter By Category
In this episode we are going to use WordPress REST API and Vue.js to create a list of categories and filter our posts by them.

Filter Posts By Title
In this WordPress REST API and Vue.js video we are going to learn how to create real time filter that will filter our post by title.

Display Categories
In this Theming With WP REST API tutorial we are going to display categories bellow titles of our posts using Vue.js and WordPress API.

Listing Posts
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can connect to WordPress REST API get the list of posts and then display them using Vue.js

In this series we are going to be creating a theme for WordPress using WP REST API and Vue.js as a frontend framework instead of PHP. Check out the video to see the finished product.

Custom Search
In this tutorial we are going to create custom search that searches our posts and post types using WordPress Custom Query.

Custom Filters
In this WordPress Custom Query tutorial we are going to make our first practical example, we are going to make dynamic filters and filter our posts by price, color and size.

In this WordPress Custom Query tutorial we are going to be learning how to use tax_query to query your posts via either default or custom taxonomies.

In this tutorial about WordPress Meta Query we are going to take it up a notch and learn about meta_query parameter of WP_Query object.

In this WordPress Custom Query tutorials we are going to tackle displaying our posts by filtering them with tags and categories.

In this WordPress Custom Query tutorial we are going to learn how to display data from our custom query that matches certain condition using meta_compare and meta_value properties.

In this tutorial about WordPress Custom Query we are going to learn how to sort results that we get from our custom query.

In this WordPress Custom Query tutorial series we are going to take a look at WP_Query object in WordPress and how you can use it to create complicated WordPress sites.