Videos tagged with: wordpress

Includes and SVGs

Includes and SVGs

In this episode of Sage is Awesome we are going to take a look at Laravels Blade @include feature, and how it can make our WordPress development easier.

Episode   213:34
Install and Overview

Install and Overview

In this miniseries we are going to take a look at Sage WordPress starter theme, and how it can make our lives as theme developers much easier.

Episode   123:26
Deploying and Fixing Errors

Deploying and Fixing Errors

In this final episode of Gatsby and WordPress tutorial series we are going to deploy our site and fix some errors that I made in previous episode.

Episode   709:56
Displaying images

Displaying images

In this episode you are going to learn how to display images on your Gastby.js and WordPress site.

Episode   615:38
Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields

In this episode I'm going to show you how you can use Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress with our Gatsby.js site.

Episode   511:00


In this episode we are going to be creating simple pagination for our WordPress and Gatsby.js site.

Episode   409:24
Creating Menus

Creating Menus

In this episode I'm going to try to import WordPress menu into our Gatsby.js site, using WP REST API and GraphQL

Episode   329:33
Listing Posts

Listing Posts

In this episode we are going to list all the posts coming from our WordPress REST API using Gatsby.js

Episode   219:34
Getting Posts And Pages

Getting Posts And Pages

In this mini-series I'm going to try and create website using Gatsby.js and WordPress.

Episode   134:19
Loading Screens

Loading Screens

In this episode of Theming With WP REST API we are going to be creating loading screen with Vue.js and WordPress REST API.

Episode   1705:10
Simple Pagination

Simple Pagination

In this episode of Theming with WordPress REST API I'm going to show you how you can make simple pagination with Vue.js for your WP REST API application.

Episode   1619:03
Using Laravel Elixir With WordPress

Using Laravel Elixir With WordPress

In this episode of Frontend Tips I'm going to show you how you can use Laravel Elixir in your WordPress workflow, and also how to use it with LiveReload.

Episode   123:08
Add Image To Post Type

Add Image To Post Type

In this episode of theming with WordPress REST API and Vue.js we are going to add URL to featured image of our custom post type to our REST API.

Episode   1505:06
Adding Custom Fields

Adding Custom Fields

In this episode of Theming with REST API we are going to add custom fileds to our custom post type WordPress REST API and display them with Vue.js

Episode   1409:17
Custom Post Types

Custom Post Types

In this episode of Theming with WP REST API and Vue.js I'm going to show you how to set up custom post types for your REST API

Episode   1307:06
Wrapping Up Full Post

Wrapping Up Full Post

In this episode of WP REST API theming with Vue.js we are going to wrap up what we started doing in previous episode and finish setting up our full post view.

Episode   1206:53
Getting Full Post

Getting Full Post

In this episode of theming with WP REST API and Vue.js we are going to get and display the data of the full post.

Episode   1108:28
Making Previews Pretty

Making Previews Pretty

Since we finished creating our post previews let's now make them pretty using WP REST API and Vue.js.

Episode   1006:58
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