In this course or series we are going to be talking about all things AI, and especially how to use AI in your frontend projects. Expect to learn about Open AI API, DALL-E, Function Calling and much more.

Payload CMS
Payload CMS is a very developer friendly CMS, and in it you do everything through code. In this course we are going to check out Payload CMS and I'm going to show you some of its cool features.

Directus 9 + Next
In this course we will be using Directus 9 as our API and CMS, and of course Nextjs for the frontend of our site. Kind of like we did with Making Websites With Next.js And Strapi series. This time however we will add Tailwind into the mix and also include React Query right from the start for better performing API requests, caching, state management and so on. Oh, and also instead of using REST API we are going to use GraphQL for this series.

Making Websites With Next.js And Strapi
In this series we are going to learn how to create a websites using Next.js. The main focus of the series will definitely be Next.js, but we will do some work with Strapi too, which we will use as our API and CMS

React 2020
In this series we are going to learn basics of React library and all of it's advanced features that are applicable in the year 2020.

Creating Svelte, Sapper and WordPress Website
In this series we are going to be using WordPress REST API and Sapper for Svelte to create a modern, headless website that is going to be using WordPress as a backend and Svelte as a frontend.

In this series we are going to be talking about new and exciting frontend framework called Svelte.

Static Sites With Nuxt
In this series we are going to be talking about Nuxt.js and how it can be used to create statically generated websites

Sage is Awesome
In this miniseries we are going to take a look at Sage WordPress starter theme, and how it can make our lives as theme developers much easier.

October Tips
In this series I'm going to go over quick tips and tricks for OctoberCMS development. I will try to keep these videos around five minutes in length

Creating Rent-a-Car App with Vue and October
In this series we are going to create a rent-a-car application using Vue.js and October CMS. We are also going to tackle Vuex and Vue Router in this video series.

Introduction To Loopback
In this series we are going to take a look at LoopBack framework for quickly creating APIs from IBM. I'm also going to show you how you can use that API for creating web applications with Vue.js

Gatsby.js + WordPress
In this mini-series we are going to try to create a site which will use Gatsby.js as a frontend and WordPress as a backend of the site. We are also going to learn a bit about GraphQL and React.js during this series. And I just want to mention that I don't know much about either Gatsby, React or GraphQL. But this is going to be a good opportunity to learn.

Basic Frontend Tools
In this series we are going to cover most of the basic tools that are involved in frontend development. Topics that we are going to cover are going to be Command Line, NPM, Scss, Gulp, Webpack, Git, SSH etc. If you are looking for a frontend job this is the series for you, because most of the employers are going to require at least basic understanding of most of these tools.

Dev Tools
In this series I'm going to show you some development tools that I use or are interesting to me at the moment, so that we can hopefully save some time or create a better workflow for our projects.

Vue 2 and October CMS Todo App
In this series we are going to be creating Todo application using October CMS as the backend for the application, and Vue.js 2.0 is going to serve as a frontend technology for our app.

Making websites with October CMS
In this video series we are going to get familiar with October CMS. A great Laravel based CMS. We are going to be creating themes, plugins, learn about administration and other great stuff.

Frontend Tips
In this series I will show you some tips and tricks that I find interesting and that can posibly help you in your frontend development.

Theming With WP REST API
In this series we are going to be creating a theme without the use of default WordPress functionality and PHP. Instead we are going to be using WordPress's API to get the data and then we are going to be displaying that data with Vue.js.

Drupal 8 theming
In this series we are going to learn about Drupal 8 theming. Also we are going to take a look at Views, content types, fields and all other good stuff that the Drupal comes with. Of course you are also going to learn about Twig, the template language that Drupal uses.

WordPress Custom Query
In this series we are going to take an in-depth look at the WordPress WP_Query object and how you can use it to make your site not be just a 'Bloggining platform' but an actual site with the full fledged CMS at the back end.

One Page App With Drupal 8 and Vue.js
In this series we are going to learn how to make a single page app. We are going to be using Drupal 8 as a backend and Vue.js is going to be used as a front end. So we are basically going to make an API form our Drupal installation and make it serve data to our app.

Local Development With Vagrant
In this series we are going to be talking about Vagrant and how you can set it up for your local development environment. We are going to learn how to install Drupal 8 on it, how to create database, how to use one box for multiple sites and how to make virtual hosts for your sites.

Building Sites With Middleman
In this series we are going to learn how to build sites using static site generators. Specifically one called Middleman. Static sites are faster and much more responsive that database driven ones. This site is made with Middleman. Let's go static!