Frontend Tips

In this series I will show you some tips and tricks that I find interesting and that can posibly help you in your frontend development.
Migrating My Site From Directus + Next.js To Astro

Migrating My Site From Directus + Next.js To Astro

In this video I'm going to talk about how I migrated my site from Directus and NextJS stack hosted on Digital Ocean to a fully static site built with Astro and hosted on Cloudflare Pages

Episode   2212:02
Let's Checkout... Astro

Let's Checkout... Astro

In this video we are going to checkout Astro - all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites.

Episode   2116:10
Let's Checkout... AppWrite

Let's Checkout... AppWrite

AppWrite is a secure open source backend server for Web, Mobile and Flutter developers. And we are gonna check it out in this video.

Episode   2017:54
Let's Checkout Remix ... And Compare It To Next.js

Let's Checkout Remix ... And Compare It To Next.js

In this video we are going to checkout Remix. I’ve been playing around with Remix for the last couple of days. This video is mostly going to be about that journey and how Remix compares to Next.js.

Episode   1913:57
Let's Checkout... WunderGraph

Let's Checkout... WunderGraph

In this video we are going to checkout WunderGraph, the solution for combining all of your APIs into a single source and much more.

Episode   1829:51
Let's Checkout... Directus 9

Let's Checkout... Directus 9

In this episode we are going to take a look at another headless CMS that is very similar to Strapi.

Episode   1739:20
Infinite Scroll And Filters With React Query

Infinite Scroll And Filters With React Query

In this video I'm going to show you how I implemented Infinite Scroll and filters on my new website.

Episode   1610:38
Let's Checkout... Prisma & Next.js

Let's Checkout... Prisma & Next.js

In this video we are going to implement Prisma to a fresh install of Next.js and see how to make a full stack application.

Episode   1530:37
Let's Checkout... Blitz.js

Let's Checkout... Blitz.js

In this episode we are going to take a look at Blitz.js and specifically it's features for working with databases.

Episode   1432:04
WP REST API - Add Posts From Frontend

WP REST API - Add Posts From Frontend

In this episode we are going to be using WordPress REST API to add some new posts to our database with vanilla JavaScript.

Episode   1313:09
WP REST API - Custom Filters

WP REST API - Custom Filters

In this video we are going to create filters for our WP REST API custom end point so that we can filter our data.

Episode   1219:55
WP REST API - Custom Post Types And Fields

WP REST API - Custom Post Types And Fields

In this video we are going to create WP REST API custom endpoint which will also show custom fields made with ACF.

Episode   1108:03
WP REST API - Custom Endpoints

WP REST API - Custom Endpoints

In this video we are going to learn how to quickly create custom endpoints for your WordPress REST API.

Episode   1013:59
One Language Every Programmer Should Know

One Language Every Programmer Should Know

In this video I'm going to talk about one language that every programmer should know.

Episode   904:41
Organising JavaScript

Organising JavaScript

In this episode I'm going to talk about and show you one cool way of organising your projects JavaScript files.

Episode   819:37
CSS Grid Layouts - Gridify My Site

CSS Grid Layouts - Gridify My Site

In this video I'm going to be talking about using CSS Grid on my site.

Episode   723:59
CSS Grid Layouts - grid-template-areas ( Example)

CSS Grid Layouts - grid-template-areas ( Example)

In this video we are going to be talkig about grid-template-areas and as an exmple we are going to take a look at site.

Episode   616:27
CSS Grid Layouts - One Third + Two Thirds

CSS Grid Layouts - One Third + Two Thirds

In this mini series we are going to take a look at how we can make popular layouts that you find around the web and create them using CSS Grid.

Episode   516:34
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