Creating Rent-a-Car App with Vue and October

In this episode I'm quickly going to show you how to logout out of your OctoberCMS, Vue and Vuex application.

Login Errors
In this episode I'm going to show you how to handle login errors in our OctoberCMS, Vue and Vuex application.

Fixing JWT
In this episode we are going to fix the problems that we had with JWT in the previous episode in our Vue and OctoberCMS app

Making Reservation
In this episode we are going to finish the checkout process and and make reservation in our OctoberCMS, Vue and Vuex application.

Persisting State
In this episode we are going to continue the checkout process and learn how to automatically persist state in Vue and Vuex

Login and Registration (with JWT)
In this episode we are going to learn how to register and login users using Vue, OctoberCMS and JWT.

In this episode we are going to be using Luxon plugin to format and calculate our dates in our Vue app.

Persisting dates
In this episode we are going to persist our dates using localStorage and Vue.

Dates Backend
In this episode we are going to start creating our dates functionality using October CMS.

Dates Frontend
In this video we are continuing with our dates API, and now we are going to use Vue to create our frontend and functionality.

In this episode we are going to take a look at Vue Router and make detail page for our vehicles using Vue.js.

In this episode we are going to create a new field in OctoberCMS and then display it in our Vue application.

Vehicle API
In this episode we are going to add an image and price fields to our vehicles on our October CMS backend. And then display them in our Vue app.

Filtering On API
In this episode we are again going to filter our vehicles by location, but this time using October CMS and some Laravel methods.

Filtering By Location
In this episode we are going to leverage the data we created in the last episode, to filter our vehicles by location using Vue.

Connecting Locations and Vehicles
In this episode we are going to connect our locations and our vehicles using October CMS and some Laravels PHP code and relations API .