One Page App With Drupal 8 and Vue.js Episode 12

Update Movie With Vue.js

In this tutorial we are going to finish our CRUD system with Drupal 8 and Vue.js. The last thing we need to do is make an update system.

In the last few episodes we were actually creating a CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) system for our Vue.js single-page application. We already got CRD letters covered in our application. So we can view movies, create new movies and delete movies. Now all that is left to do is create a way for us to update a movie. And we are going to do just that in this episode.

To create a movie you have to use all the knowledge from all the other parts of CRUD. We first have to get our movie and display the data from it in our form. Then we have to change that data and update it. As you will see the process of updating is very similar to creating. You just have to use a different request.

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