Videos tagged with: rest

Let's Checkout... Strapi CMS
In this episode we are going to take a look at a headless CMS called Strapi.

Fetching The Posts
In this first part of the 'Creating Svelte, Sapper and WordPress Website' series we are going to connect to our WordPress API to fetch the posts and display them on our homepage

WP REST API - Custom Endpoints
In this video we are going to learn how to quickly create custom endpoints for your WordPress REST API.

Dates Backend
In this episode we are going to start creating our dates functionality using October CMS.

Dates Frontend
In this video we are continuing with our dates API, and now we are going to use Vue to create our frontend and functionality.

Filtering On API
In this episode we are again going to filter our vehicles by location, but this time using October CMS and some Laravel methods.

Locations API
In this episode we are going to use October CMS to create our locations API so that we can consume it with our Vue.js app.

Authentication With Vue
In this final episode of this mini series we are going to take a quick look at LoopBack authentication or ACL and how you can use it with Vue.js

Listing Posts
In this episode we are going to list all the posts coming from our WordPress REST API using Gatsby.js

Creating The API
Before we start using Vue.js 2 to create our application we have to create the API for it using October CMS.

Add Image To Post Type
In this episode of theming with WordPress REST API and Vue.js we are going to add URL to featured image of our custom post type to our REST API.

Custom Post Types
In this episode of Theming with WP REST API and Vue.js I'm going to show you how to set up custom post types for your REST API

Wrapping Up Full Post
In this episode of WP REST API theming with Vue.js we are going to wrap up what we started doing in previous episode and finish setting up our full post view.

Register a User on Drupal 8
In this episode of Drupal 8 and Vue.js tutorials we are going to create a way for our users to register on our Drupal 8 site.

Update Movie With Vue.js
In this tutorial we are going to finish our CRUD system with Drupal 8 and Vue.js. The last thing we need to do is make an update system.