Videos tagged with: laravel

Form validation
Now let's make our October CMS contact form a bit better by creating form validation for our fields.

Adding Options to Components
Now that we have created our first simple component for October CMS we will add some options to it so that we can control output of our component better.

Creating a Simple Component
In this episode of Making Websites With October CMS we are going to be creating a simple October CMS component for our website.

Creating New Data via Form Widget
In this episode I'm going to show you how to create new model instance via October CMS form widget that we created in the previous two episodes.

Builder Plugin Overview
In this episode we are going to create our first plugin with Builder for October CMS. This plugin is going to act as a custom content type for our site, with custom fields and everything.

Setting Up Laravel Elixir
In this episode we are going to set up Laravel Elixir to with our October CMS installation. Also we are going to enable Livereload, so that we can see the changes on our site whenever we save a file.