Videos tagged with: laravel

Includes and SVGs
In this episode of Sage is Awesome we are going to take a look at Laravels Blade @include feature, and how it can make our WordPress development easier.

Filtering On API
In this episode we are again going to filter our vehicles by location, but this time using October CMS and some Laravel methods.

Filtering By Location
In this episode we are going to leverage the data we created in the last episode, to filter our vehicles by location using Vue.

Connecting Locations and Vehicles
In this episode we are going to connect our locations and our vehicles using October CMS and some Laravels PHP code and relations API .

October Setup
In this first episode of Creating Rent-a-Car we are going to setup October CMS side of things.

Ajax Image Upload
In this episode I'm going to show you how to upload images from the October CMS frontend with Ajax and also show image previews.

Update October CMS to Laravel 5.5 with Valet
In this episode I'm going to show you how to update October CMS to Laravel 5.5 using the Laravel Valet development environment.

Ajax Pagination
In this episode we are going to extend our Ajax filtering system with one more feature, and that is going to be Ajax Pagination, using the October CMS Ajax framework.

Ajax Frontend Sorting
In this episode I'm going to show you how to use October CMSs Ajax framework to sort the items you are listing.

Semantic UI
In this quick episode we are just going to integrate Semantic UI css framework to our October CMS installation.

Ajax Frontend Filters
In this episode we are going to use Octobers Ajax framework to filter our movies by genre and year.

Frontend Filters
In this episode I'm going to make a lot of mistakes but by the end of it we will make a frontend filter for our movies using October CMS components system

Edit Todos
In this episode you are going to learn how to edit todo using Vue and then save it to your October CMS database.

Complete Todo
In this episode we are going to toggle the status of our todos via Vue.js and then update our October CMS database to also save the new status there.

Delete Todo
In this episode I'm going to show you how to remove todo item from your Vue list and the remove it from October CMS database.

Computed Properties
In this episode you are going to learn about computed properties in Vue.js and how we can use them on our October CMS and Vue Todo list.