Videos tagged with: javascript

Filter Products By Category
In this episode I’m going to show you how to create a filter for our products using Directus and Next.js.

Fix M2M Relationship From Part 04
In this episode we are going to fix a mistake that I made in part 04 of this course.

Products and Categories
In this episode we are going to start building an e-commerce site using Directus and Next.

Update Directus And Fix A Bug
In this episode we are quickly going to update Directus, and also fix a bug that I noticed.

Install Next, Directus, Tailwind, React Query, GraphQL And Fetch Data
In this first episode of Nextjs and Directus series we are going to set everything up and fetch some data to see if everything is working properly.

Let's Checkout... Directus 9
In this episode we are going to take a look at another headless CMS that is very similar to Strapi.

Internationalization (i18n)
In this episode we are going to take look at new internationalization features of both Strapi and Next.js.

Infinite Scroll And Filters With React Query
In this video I'm going to show you how I implemented Infinite Scroll and filters on my new website.

Generate Content With Faker
In this video we are going to generate large amounts of content in seconds using Faker plugin for our Next.js and Strapi app.

Let's Checkout... Prisma & Next.js
In this video we are going to implement Prisma to a fresh install of Next.js and see how to make a full stack application.

User registration
In this episode we are going to register users from our Next.js frontend to our Strapi backend.

Filters With React Query
In this episode we are going to filter the data in our Strapi and Next.js app with React Query.

In this episode we are going to learn how to use PropTypes inside our Next.js and Strapi application.

Image Component And Customizing Strapi Response
In this episode we are going to take quick a look at new Image component in Next.js 10 and learn how to add additional data to our Strapi response.

Let's Checkout... Blitz.js
In this episode we are going to take a look at Blitz.js and specifically it's features for working with databases.

WP REST API - Add Posts From Frontend
In this episode we are going to be using WordPress REST API to add some new posts to our database with vanilla JavaScript.