Register a User on Drupal 8
In this episode of Drupal 8 and Vue.js tutorials we are going to create a way for our users to register on our Drupal 8 site.
Update Movie With Vue.js
In this tutorial we are going to finish our CRUD system with Drupal 8 and Vue.js. The last thing we need to do is make an update system.
Delete Movie With Vue.js
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to delete an item using Drupal 8 REST API and Vue.js.
Creating Movie With Vue.js
In this tutorial you will learn how to connect to the Drupal 8 REST API and create a new movie node using Vue.js and Vue resource plugin.
Routing and Components
In this Vue.js tutorial we are going to connect together Vue routing and Vue components to make our single-page app work the way we want.
Vue Routing
In this Vue.js tutorial I'm going to show you how to setup routes for your Vue.js application.
Vue Components
In this Vue.js tutorial I'm going to make a short introduction to components in Vue.js, before we start putting our single-page app together.
Displaying Single Data Item
In this tutorial we are going setup our Drupal 8 API so that it will send only one movie to our Vue.js app. And then we are going to display that movie.
Making Filter Dynamic
In this episode of Drupal 8 and Vue.js learn how to make our genre filter dynamic. And for that we are going to use jQuery.
Enable CORS for Drupal 8
In this quick Drupal 8 and Vue.js video I'm going to show you how to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for Drupal 8.
Live Filtering With Vue.js
In this episode of Drupal 8 and Vue.js tutorial series we are going to create live filters for our movies app using the power of Vue.js
Getting The Data From Drupal 8
In this Drupal 8 and Vue.js video we are going to learn how we can connect to the API that we will make with Drupal 8 and then display the data from it.
Virtual Hosts Setup
In this episode of Local Development With Vagrant we are going to make virtual hosts for the sites we made last time.
Intro To Vue.js
In this Drupal 8 and Vue.js video series we are going to be creating a one page app using Drupal 8 as backend and Vue.js as front end for our application.
Multiple Sites One Box, Making it Faster, WordPress
In this episode of Local Development With Vagrant we are going to create multiple sites in one Vagrant box and learn how to make it faster.
Setup, Scotch Box, Drupal, Database
In this episode of Local Development With Vagrant I'm going to show you how to install Scotch Box for Vagrant and then setup Drupal 8 site on it.