Videos tagged with: strapi

Let's Checkout... Directus 9
In this episode we are going to take a look at another headless CMS that is very similar to Strapi.

Internationalization (i18n)
In this episode we are going to take look at new internationalization features of both Strapi and Next.js.

Infinite Scroll
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to quickly build Infinite Scroll in your Strapi and Next.js application.

Generate Content With Faker
In this video we are going to generate large amounts of content in seconds using Faker plugin for our Next.js and Strapi app.

User registration
In this episode we are going to register users from our Next.js frontend to our Strapi backend.

Filters With React Query
In this episode we are going to filter the data in our Strapi and Next.js app with React Query.

In this episode we are going to learn how to use PropTypes inside our Next.js and Strapi application.

Image Component And Customizing Strapi Response
In this episode we are going to take quick a look at new Image component in Next.js 10 and learn how to add additional data to our Strapi response.

Add Data To Strapi From Next.js
In this episode we are going to add some new movies to our site but using the frontend form instead of Strapi administration.

User Authentication
In this episode we are going to create user authentication for our Next.js and Strapi website using JSON Web Tokens or JWT.

Multi language
In this episode we are going to make our Next.js and Strapi site be multilingual.

Incremental Static Regeneration
In this episode we are going to talk about new feature in Next.js 9.5 called Incremental Static Regeneration.

In this episode I'm going to show you the difference between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps in Next.js

Deploy To Digital Ocean
In this episode we are going to deploy our Next.js App and Strapi API to Digital Ocean.

Using Context API
In this episode we are going to use React Context API to get the data for our navigation and also to create a simple state management.

Next SEO
In this episode you are going to learn how to implement SEO on your Next.js website.