Videos tagged with: php

WP REST API - Add Posts From Frontend
In this episode we are going to be using WordPress REST API to add some new posts to our database with vanilla JavaScript.

WP REST API - Custom Filters
In this video we are going to create filters for our WP REST API custom end point so that we can filter our data.

October CMS - Theme Settings
In this video I'm going to show you how to create theme settings or even site options for your October CMS site.

October CMS - Reorder Records
In this episode I'm going to show you how to implement reorder records functionality on your October CMS site.

In this episode of Sage is Awesome we are going to take a look at how Controllers can be used to make our WordPress theme development cleaner.

In this episode of Sage is Awesome we are going to take a look at another Blade feature called components and how it can help you with your WordPress development.

Fixing JWT
In this episode we are going to fix the problems that we had with JWT in the previous episode in our Vue and OctoberCMS app

Making Reservation
In this episode we are going to finish the checkout process and and make reservation in our OctoberCMS, Vue and Vuex application.

Persisting State
In this episode we are going to continue the checkout process and learn how to automatically persist state in Vue and Vuex

Dates Backend
In this episode we are going to start creating our dates functionality using October CMS.

Vehicle API
In this episode we are going to add an image and price fields to our vehicles on our October CMS backend. And then display them in our Vue app.

Filtering On API
In this episode we are again going to filter our vehicles by location, but this time using October CMS and some Laravel methods.

Connecting Locations and Vehicles
In this episode we are going to connect our locations and our vehicles using October CMS and some Laravels PHP code and relations API .

Locations API
In this episode we are going to use October CMS to create our locations API so that we can consume it with our Vue.js app.

October Setup
In this first episode of Creating Rent-a-Car we are going to setup October CMS side of things.

Ajax Image Upload
In this episode I'm going to show you how to upload images from the October CMS frontend with Ajax and also show image previews.