Video Tutorials For Curious
Frontend Developers
Learn about Directus, AI, JavaScript, October CMS, Vue, React, Next.js, Strapi, Payload and other modern web development technologies and techniques here for free.
Migrating My Site From Directus + Next.js To Astro
In this video I'm going to talk about how I migrated my site from Directus and NextJS stack hosted on Digital Ocean to a fully static site built with Astro and hosted on Cloudflare Pages
Let's Checkout... Payload CMS
What I really like about Payload CMS is that everything is done through code, you don't have to go around clicking in the admin UI to setup things like you would do in WordPress, Strapi or even Directus.

In this course or series we are going to be talking about all things AI, and especially how to use AI in your frontend projects. Expect to learn about Open AI API, DALL-E, Function Calling and much more.

Payload CMS
Payload CMS is a very developer friendly CMS, and in it you do everything through code. In this course we are going to check out Payload CMS and I'm going to show you some of its cool features.

Directus 9 + Next
In this course we will be using Directus 9 as our API and CMS, and of course Nextjs for the frontend of our site. Kind of like we did with Making Websites With Next.js And Strapi series. This time however we will add Tailwind into the mix and also include React Query right from the start for better performing API requests, caching, state management and so on. Oh, and also instead of using REST API we are going to use GraphQL for this series.