Videos tagged with: custom-post-type
WP REST API - Custom Filters
In this video we are going to create filters for our WP REST API custom end point so that we can filter our data.
WP REST API - Custom Post Types And Fields
In this video we are going to create WP REST API custom endpoint which will also show custom fields made with ACF.
Builder Plugin Overview
In this episode we are going to create our first plugin with Builder for October CMS. This plugin is going to act as a custom content type for our site, with custom fields and everything.
Adding Custom Fields
In this episode of Theming with REST API we are going to add custom fileds to our custom post type WordPress REST API and display them with Vue.js
Custom Post Types
In this episode of Theming with WP REST API and Vue.js I'm going to show you how to set up custom post types for your REST API
Reference fields
In this episode I answer a viewers question about referencing fields from different custom type.
Repeater Fields
In this episode we are going to learn how to make repeater fields with WP-Types, by doing simple real estate site.
Comparing Dates and Making Events List
In this short video we are going to make event list which is going to show future events but is going to hide past events.
Using Custom Field Value
In this tutorial you will learn how to take value of custom field and display some content depending on users input for that field.