NEW! Ajax Form Validation

NEW! Ajax Form Validation

In this video we are going to learn about new Ajax form validation that just came to October CMS few days ago.

Episode   2509:52
Extending User Plugin - Frontend

Extending User Plugin - Frontend

In this episode I'm going to show you how to add and save your newly added fields for October CMS user plugin on the frontend of your site.

Episode   2410:53
Extending User Plugin

Extending User Plugin

In this episode we are going to extend User plugin for October CMS with two additional fields.

Episode   2316:41
Ajax Form Validation

Ajax Form Validation

In this episode we are quickly going back to forms and validation, but this time we are going to do it with Ajax na October CMSs Ajax framework.

Episode   2217:36


In this episode we are going to setup User plugin for October CMS, and learn how to register and login users and also how to protect our pages from unauthorized access.

Episode   2119:12
Frontend Forms

Frontend Forms

In this episode we are going to be creating frontend form for October CMS so that the users can enter data directly into our database. I'm also going to show you how to use Flash messages to give feedback to the user.

Episode   2013:17
Creating Contact Form

Creating Contact Form

In this episode I'm going to show you how to create a simple contact form component for your October CMS website. And also how to use SMTP service from Google to send emails while developing your site.

Episode   1827:00
Form validation

Form validation

Now let's make our October CMS contact form a bit better by creating form validation for our fields.

Episode   1910:25
Adding Options to Components

Adding Options to Components

Now that we have created our first simple component for October CMS we will add some options to it so that we can control output of our component better.

Episode   1715:48
Creating a Simple Component

Creating a Simple Component

In this episode of Making Websites With October CMS we are going to be creating a simple October CMS component for our website.

Episode   1611:30
Creating New Data via Form Widget

Creating New Data via Form Widget

In this episode I'm going to show you how to create new model instance via October CMS form widget that we created in the previous two episodes.

Episode   1515:23
Saving Form Widget Data

Saving Form Widget Data

In this episode we are going to be setting up everything so that we can save the data that we are passing through our October CMS form widget.

Episode   1432:16
Creating Custom Form Widgets

Creating Custom Form Widgets

In this episode I'm going to show you how to create custom form widgets for October CMS.

Episode   1319:54
Repeater field

Repeater field

In this episode of Making Websites With October CMS I'm going to show you how to use and create repeater fields for your models.

Episode   1209:26
Inverse Relations

Inverse Relations

In this episode of Making Websites With October CMS we are going to create inverse relation so that we can display movies that belong to a specific genre.

Episode   1107:35


In this episode we are going to be talking about relations in October CMS, this is one of the most important things you have to understand in October to be able to successfully link your content together.

Episode   1017:25
Images And Galleries

Images And Galleries

In this episode I'm going to show you how to add a single image to your model and also how to create gallery of images for your model. Of course we are going to learn how to display those images on our front-end and also resize and crop them.

Episode   914:57
Slugs And Pagination

Slugs And Pagination

In this episode of Making Web Sites With October CMS I'm going to show you how to link up to the details page via slugs and also how to create pagination for your list pages.

Episode   808:17
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