Videos tagged with: workflow

My Development Setup
In this video I'm going to talk a bit about my development setup and the apps that I use for and around my development process.
Episode 522:17

Setting up Gulp.js With Middleman
In this episode we are going setup our Middleman project so that it works with Gulp.js.
Episode 226:57

Middleman Partials and Pages
In this episode I'm going to show you how to use Middleman partials and how to make new pages.
Episode 313:44

Using and installing new Olympos theme
Olympos is a starter theme for your WordPress projects, it doesn't have any fancy CSS in it but it will get you WordPress development going very, very fast.
Episode 12:56

WordPress Deployment
In this video I'm going to show you the right way to deploy WordPress web sites from your local machine to production or staging server.
Episode 316:33

Development Setup and Tools
In the part two of this series I'ma talking about my development setup and software technologies I'm using.
Episode 230:05