Videos tagged with: static-site-generator

Let's Checkout... Astro
In this video we are going to checkout Astro - all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites.

Data From WordPress #2
In this episode I'm going to show you how to link to every specific post coming from WordPress to our Nuxt application.

Data From WordPress
In this episode we are going to start creating blog section for our Nuxt static site, and what better tool to use for that than WordPress.

Views And SEO
In this episode we are going to go in depth with Nuxt views and also talk a bit about SEO and meta tags.

Basic Routing
In this episode we are going to start building our Nuxt site, and also take a look at the basic Nuxt routing.

Overview and Install
In this first episode of new mini series, we are going to take a look at what Nuxt.js is and how it can help us in creating statically generated websites.

Displaying images
In this episode you are going to learn how to display images on your Gastby.js and WordPress site.