Videos tagged with: nextjs

Migrating My Site From Directus + Next.js To Astro

Migrating My Site From Directus + Next.js To Astro

In this video I'm going to talk about how I migrated my site from Directus and NextJS stack hosted on Digital Ocean to a fully static site built with Astro and hosted on Cloudflare Pages

Episode   2212:02
Get Structured Response From Open AI Using Function Calls

Get Structured Response From Open AI Using Function Calls

Open AI released new Chat GPT feature - Function Calling. What this basically means is that you can send a function to ChatGPT API and get structured JSON response that you can use in your app.

Episode   211:38
PayloadCMS and Next.js With Local API

PayloadCMS and Next.js With Local API

In this video I'm going to show you how to setup Next.js and Payload to run on the same server, kind of like a monolith app, and then how to use Local API to get and filter the data.

Episode   209:43
Using AI In Your Frontend App feat. OpenAI and NextJS

Using AI In Your Frontend App feat. OpenAI and NextJS

In this video I'm going to show you how you can use Open AI to create some nice features in your apps.

Episode   106:50
Add Data From Excel Using Flows

Add Data From Excel Using Flows

In this episode I'm going to show you how you can add large number of data to your Directus database using Excel and Flows.

Episode   407:47
Let's Checkout... AppWrite

Let's Checkout... AppWrite

AppWrite is a secure open source backend server for Web, Mobile and Flutter developers. And we are gonna check it out in this video.

Episode   2017:54
Protect Signup Form From Hackers

Protect Signup Form From Hackers

Viewer called Locness noticed a potential security flaw on our sign up form. In this episode we are going to fix that.

Episode   1404:38
Let's Checkout Remix ... And Compare It To Next.js

Let's Checkout Remix ... And Compare It To Next.js

In this video we are going to checkout Remix. I’ve been playing around with Remix for the last couple of days. This video is mostly going to be about that journey and how Remix compares to Next.js.

Episode   1913:57
User Authentication With NextAuth

User Authentication With NextAuth

In this episode we are going to implement login functionality to our Next.js and Directus app using NextAuth package.

Episode   1329:49
User Sign Up

User Sign Up

In this episode we are going to implement signup functionality for our Directus and Next.js app. You will see, this is very easy.

Episode   1220:34
Mini Cart And Zustand

Mini Cart And Zustand

In this episode we are going to create a mini cart for our e-commerce site using Zustand state management library.

Episode   1125:50
Add To Cart

Add To Cart

In this episode we are going to start implementing add to cart functionality. I say start because this is a pretty big functionality so I’m going to split it into two parts.

Episode   1036:08
Let's Checkout... WunderGraph

Let's Checkout... WunderGraph

In this video we are going to checkout WunderGraph, the solution for combining all of your APIs into a single source and much more.

Episode   1829:51
Display Product Options

Display Product Options

In this episode we are going to display product options that we created in the previous episode.

Episode   916:31
Product Options And Directus Has Some Problems

Product Options And Directus Has Some Problems

In this episode we are going to create options for products. In our case those are going to be colours and sizes.

Episode   819:50
Product Display Page

Product Display Page

In this episode we are going to create a product display page for our shop.

Episode   721:35
Filter Products By Category

Filter Products By Category

In this episode I’m going to show you how to create a filter for our products using Directus and Next.js.

Episode   627:06
Fix M2M Relationship From Part 04

Fix M2M Relationship From Part 04

In this episode we are going to fix a mistake that I made in part 04 of this course.

Episode   506:28
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