Videos tagged with: next

User registration

User registration

In this episode we are going to register users from our Next.js frontend to our Strapi backend.

Episode   19
Filters With React Query

Filters With React Query

In this episode we are going to filter the data in our Strapi and Next.js app with React Query.

Episode   1840:40


In this episode we are going to learn how to use PropTypes inside our Next.js and Strapi application.

Episode   1714:04
Image Component And Customizing Strapi Response

Image Component And Customizing Strapi Response

In this episode we are going to take quick a look at new Image component in Next.js 10 and learn how to add additional data to our Strapi response.

Episode   1629:04
Add Data To Strapi From Next.js

Add Data To Strapi From Next.js

In this episode we are going to add some new movies to our site but using the frontend form instead of Strapi administration.

Episode   1513:57
User Authentication

User Authentication

In this episode we are going to create user authentication for our Next.js and Strapi website using JSON Web Tokens or JWT.

Episode   1427:08
Multi language

Multi language

In this episode we are going to make our Next.js and Strapi site be multilingual.

Episode   1334:08
Incremental Static Regeneration

Incremental Static Regeneration

In this episode we are going to talk about new feature in Next.js 9.5 called Incremental Static Regeneration.

Episode   1207:10


In this episode I'm going to show you the difference between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps in Next.js

Episode   1109:53
Deploy To Digital Ocean

Deploy To Digital Ocean

In this episode we are going to deploy our Next.js App and Strapi API to Digital Ocean.

Episode   1027:34
Using Context API

Using Context API

In this episode we are going to use React Context API to get the data for our navigation and also to create a simple state management.

Episode   912:28


In this episode we are going to learn how to create a pagination for our Nextjs and Strapi website.

Episode   721:19
Dynamic routes

Dynamic routes

In this episode I'm going to show you how to create simple and then more advanced dynamic routes for your Next.js and Strapi application.

Episode   619:50
Layouts With Reflexbox

Layouts With Reflexbox

In this episode we are going to learn how to layout your React components using Reflexbox.

Episode   418:33
Fetching The Data

Fetching The Data

In this episode we are going to learn about getServerSideProps() async function in which we are going to fetch our data, and Server Side Render it.

Episode   315:25


In this video we are going to be talking about CSS in JS, which is a different kind of approach of styling your applications and websites.

Episode   224:03
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