Videos tagged with: frontend

Let's Checkout... WunderGraph
In this video we are going to checkout WunderGraph, the solution for combining all of your APIs into a single source and much more.

Add Data To Strapi From Next.js
In this episode we are going to add some new movies to our site but using the frontend form instead of Strapi administration.

Organising JavaScript
In this episode I'm going to talk about and show you one cool way of organising your projects JavaScript files.

In this episode we are going to be creating simple pagination for our WordPress and Gatsby.js site.

Getting Posts And Pages
In this mini-series I'm going to try and create website using Gatsby.js and WordPress.

Command line
In this episode I will cover the most basic of the tools that is going to be used for any kind of development not just frontend. And that tool is the mighty command line.

CSS Grid Layouts - One Third + Two Thirds
In this mini series we are going to take a look at how we can make popular layouts that you find around the web and create them using CSS Grid.

Frontend Filters
In this episode I'm going to make a lot of mistakes but by the end of it we will make a frontend filter for our movies using October CMS components system