Drupal 8 theming
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial I'm going to show you how to use Pathauto module to create pretty URLs for your site.
Using Drush
In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to take a look at Drush, a command line interface for Drupal.
Rewriting Views Fields
In this last video of the Drupal 8 Theming series I'm going to show you how you can rewrite the output of fields that you use in your Views.
Regions and Blocks from Views
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming we are going to go more in depth with regions, and we are also going to learn how to make custom blocks from Views.
Taxonomy and Drop Down Menu
In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to fight our way through some bugs and learn about Drupals taxonomy system, and also how to create drop down menus.
Working With CSS Frameworks
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming we are going to do some actual theming using Zurb Foundation framework.
Reference Fields
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorials we are going to see how we can connect content on our site by using Reference Fields.
Field Collections
In this tutorial of Drupal 8 Theming series we are going to do field collections. That means that we are going to group few fields together and display them in our theme.
Kint, Arrays, Twig, Foreach, If
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming I'm going to show you a lot of stuff - how to work with Kint, how to print out data, how to make if statements with Twig and much more.
Images and Image Sizes
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to display image on our node, views and also learn how to make different image sizes for that image.
Creating and Displaying Content Types and Fields
In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to be talking about Content Types and Fields, one more powerful Drupal feature.
Displaying Fields
In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to learn how to display fields in our template files.
Introduction to Views
In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to create dummy content using Devel module and display it on our front page using Views.
Creating Partials
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to learn how to make our theme a bit more flexible by creating and calling partials.
Theming the Header
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to theme our header the 'Drupal way', by using blocks, css, html and Twig.
Adding Main Navigation
In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to learn how to make main navigation that we are going to put into our header.