In this episode we are going to take a look at Vue Router and make detail page for our vehicles using Vue.js.
In this episode we are going to create a new field in OctoberCMS and then display it in our Vue application.
Vehicle API
In this episode we are going to add an image and price fields to our vehicles on our October CMS backend. And then display them in our Vue app.
Filtering On API
In this episode we are again going to filter our vehicles by location, but this time using October CMS and some Laravel methods.
One Language Every Programmer Should Know
In this video I'm going to talk about one language that every programmer should know.
Filtering By Location
In this episode we are going to leverage the data we created in the last episode, to filter our vehicles by location using Vue.
Connecting Locations and Vehicles
In this episode we are going to connect our locations and our vehicles using October CMS and some Laravels PHP code and relations API .
Locations API
In this episode we are going to use October CMS to create our locations API so that we can consume it with our Vue.js app.
Homepage UI
In this episode we are finally going to start building our October CMS and Vue.js application, and of course we are starting with the homepage.
What is Vuex?
In this episode we are going to take a look at Vuex, a state management library for Vue.js
Tailwind CSS
In this episode we are going to add Tailwind CSS to our project and show how this is a great framework for creating single page applications with frameworks like Vue or React.js.
October Setup
In this first episode of Creating Rent-a-Car we are going to setup October CMS side of things.
Vue Setup
In this episode we are going to setup Vue side of things for our rent-a-car applictaion.
Sublime Merge
In this episode we are going to talk about Sublime Merge for about 8 minutes.
Better Links And URLs
In this episode I'm going to show you how you can make better and more complicated links and URLs in October CMS.
Organising JavaScript
In this episode I'm going to talk about and show you one cool way of organising your projects JavaScript files.