Display Product Options

Display Product Options

In this episode we are going to display product options that we created in the previous episode.

Episode   916:31
Product Options And Directus Has Some Problems

Product Options And Directus Has Some Problems

In this episode we are going to create options for products. In our case those are going to be colours and sizes.

Episode   819:50
Product Display Page

Product Display Page

In this episode we are going to create a product display page for our shop.

Episode   721:35
Filter Products By Category

Filter Products By Category

In this episode I’m going to show you how to create a filter for our products using Directus and Next.js.

Episode   627:06
Fix M2M Relationship From Part 04

Fix M2M Relationship From Part 04

In this episode we are going to fix a mistake that I made in part 04 of this course.

Episode   506:28
Products and Categories

Products and Categories

In this episode we are going to start building an e-commerce site using Directus and Next.

Episode   432:31
Fix No Access Issue, Update Database, Install GraphQL Playground

Fix No Access Issue, Update Database, Install GraphQL Playground

In this episode we are going to do a bit more cleanup (sorry), before building our app.

Episode   309:46
Update Directus And Fix A Bug

Update Directus And Fix A Bug

In this episode we are quickly going to update Directus, and also fix a bug that I noticed.

Episode   208:56
Install Next, Directus, Tailwind, React Query, GraphQL And Fetch Data

Install Next, Directus, Tailwind, React Query, GraphQL And Fetch Data

In this first episode of Nextjs and Directus series we are going to set everything up and fetch some data to see if everything is working properly.

Episode   137:56
Let's Checkout... Directus 9

Let's Checkout... Directus 9

In this episode we are going to take a look at another headless CMS that is very similar to Strapi.

Episode   1739:20
Internationalization (i18n)

Internationalization (i18n)

In this episode we are going to take look at new internationalization features of both Strapi and Next.js.

Episode   2219:07
Infinite Scroll And Filters With React Query

Infinite Scroll And Filters With React Query

In this video I'm going to show you how I implemented Infinite Scroll and filters on my new website.

Episode   1610:38
Infinite Scroll

Infinite Scroll

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to quickly build Infinite Scroll in your Strapi and Next.js application.

Episode   2116:47
Generate Content With Faker

Generate Content With Faker

In this video we are going to generate large amounts of content in seconds using Faker plugin for our Next.js and Strapi app.

Episode   2011:32
Let's Checkout... Prisma & Next.js

Let's Checkout... Prisma & Next.js

In this video we are going to implement Prisma to a fresh install of Next.js and see how to make a full stack application.

Episode   1530:37
Deploy To Shared Hosting With Github Actions

Deploy To Shared Hosting With Github Actions

In this episode we are going to learn how to deploy our site to shared hosting using Github Actions.

Episode   1115:19
User registration

User registration

In this episode we are going to register users from our Next.js frontend to our Strapi backend.

Episode   19
Filters With React Query

Filters With React Query

In this episode we are going to filter the data in our Strapi and Next.js app with React Query.

Episode   1840:40
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