Taxonomy and Drop Down Menu

Taxonomy and Drop Down Menu

In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to fight our way through some bugs and learn about Drupals taxonomy system, and also how to create drop down menus.

Episode   1826:19
Working With CSS Frameworks

Working With CSS Frameworks

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming we are going to do some actual theming using Zurb Foundation framework.

Episode   1618:43
Reference Fields

Reference Fields

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorials we are going to see how we can connect content on our site by using Reference Fields.

Episode   1511:48
Field Collections

Field Collections

In this tutorial of Drupal 8 Theming series we are going to do field collections. That means that we are going to group few fields together and display them in our theme.

Episode   1412:48
Kint, Arrays, Twig, Foreach, If

Kint, Arrays, Twig, Foreach, If

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming I'm going to show you a lot of stuff - how to work with Kint, how to print out data, how to make if statements with Twig and much more.

Episode   1319:47
Images and Image Sizes

Images and Image Sizes

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to display image on our node, views and also learn how to make different image sizes for that image.

Episode   1213:37
Creating and Displaying Content Types and Fields

Creating and Displaying Content Types and Fields

In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to be talking about Content Types and Fields, one more powerful Drupal feature.

Episode   1014:36
Displaying Fields

Displaying Fields

In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to learn how to display fields in our template files.

Episode   1114:56
Introduction to Views

Introduction to Views

In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to create dummy content using Devel module and display it on our front page using Views.

Episode   921:29
Creating Partials

Creating Partials

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to learn how to make our theme a bit more flexible by creating and calling partials.

Episode   807:12
Theming the Header

Theming the Header

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to theme our header the 'Drupal way', by using blocks, css, html and Twig.

Episode   622:43
Adding Main Navigation

Adding Main Navigation

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to learn how to make main navigation that we are going to put into our header.

Episode   715:10
Let's Update Drupal 8

Let's Update Drupal 8

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming we are going to update Drupal 8 core from version 8.0.0-rc4 to official release version.

Episode   508:09
Blocks and Regions

Blocks and Regions

In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to be looking at setting up Drupal regions and adding blocks of content to them.

Episode   416:01
Gulp.js, Sass, LiveReload

Gulp.js, Sass, LiveReload

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to setup our theme to work with Sass, Gulp.js and Live Reload.

Episode   313:40
Disable Cache, Enable Twig Debug

Disable Cache, Enable Twig Debug

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming we are going to learn how to disable Drupal 8 cache and enable Twig debug mode so that we can develop our theme without having to clear the cache all the time.

Episode   216:27
Installing Drupal 8

Installing Drupal 8

In this first episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to do mandatory Drupal 8 installation on your local machine.

Episode   007:31
Theme Setup

Theme Setup

In this episode of Drupal 8 Theming tutorial series we are going to setup our theme, add our css file to it, remove some default css files and add our main JavaScript file.

Episode   120:16
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