Displaying Lists and Details

Displaying Lists and Details

Now we are going to continue working with the Builder plugin for October CMS and learn how to display our lists and create and display details page for our movies.

Episode   710:27
Basic Templating

Basic Templating

In this episode we are going to take a quick brake from the builder plugin and just make our theme a bit prettier. An of course we are going to learn a few things in the process.

Episode   611:11
Builder Plugin Overview

Builder Plugin Overview

In this episode we are going to create our first plugin with Builder for October CMS. This plugin is going to act as a custom content type for our site, with custom fields and everything.

Episode   519:12
Setting Up Laravel Elixir

Setting Up Laravel Elixir

In this episode we are going to set up Laravel Elixir to with our October CMS installation. Also we are going to enable Livereload, so that we can see the changes on our site whenever we save a file.

Episode   416:56
Installing October CMS

Installing October CMS

In this video series we are going to take a look at October CMS and make a website with it. In this first episode I'm going to show you how to install October on your machine.

Episode   112:09
Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts

Before we start delving into making a new website with October CMS I just want to take a few minutes to talk about some of the basic concepts that you will encounter when using October.

Episode   221:44
Creating Themes

Creating Themes

In this episode of Making Websites With October CMS I'm quickly going to show you how you can create your own theme using this CMS.

Episode   309:18
Loading Screens

Loading Screens

In this episode of Theming With WP REST API we are going to be creating loading screen with Vue.js and WordPress REST API.

Episode   1705:10
Simple Pagination

Simple Pagination

In this episode of Theming with WordPress REST API I'm going to show you how you can make simple pagination with Vue.js for your WP REST API application.

Episode   1619:03
Using Laravel Elixir With WordPress

Using Laravel Elixir With WordPress

In this episode of Frontend Tips I'm going to show you how you can use Laravel Elixir in your WordPress workflow, and also how to use it with LiveReload.

Episode   123:08
Add Image To Post Type

Add Image To Post Type

In this episode of theming with WordPress REST API and Vue.js we are going to add URL to featured image of our custom post type to our REST API.

Episode   1505:06
Adding Custom Fields

Adding Custom Fields

In this episode of Theming with REST API we are going to add custom fileds to our custom post type WordPress REST API and display them with Vue.js

Episode   1409:17
Custom Post Types

Custom Post Types

In this episode of Theming with WP REST API and Vue.js I'm going to show you how to set up custom post types for your REST API

Episode   1307:06
Wrapping Up Full Post

Wrapping Up Full Post

In this episode of WP REST API theming with Vue.js we are going to wrap up what we started doing in previous episode and finish setting up our full post view.

Episode   1206:53
Getting Full Post

Getting Full Post

In this episode of theming with WP REST API and Vue.js we are going to get and display the data of the full post.

Episode   1108:28
Making Previews Pretty

Making Previews Pretty

Since we finished creating our post previews let's now make them pretty using WP REST API and Vue.js.

Episode   1006:58
Previous / Next Post

Previous / Next Post

In this episode we are going to use Vue.js and WP REST API to show previous and next post in our preview box.

Episode   908:51
Getting Post Preview

Getting Post Preview

Now we are going to start creating previews of our posts using WordPress REST API and Vue.js.

Episode   809:03
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